Wednesday, October 30, 2013

week 40 fanficflashfic

40? Really? Wow.


Here are the prompts chosen by last week's winner, and this week's judge, @suebee0619.

You may use one, or both, to inspire your writing.

For those playing on mobile devices, the song is Tracy Chapman's 'The Promise.'

Remember to check the rules

Have your 100 - 200 words submitted by 12:01am Friday, November 1, US EDST.

We want anything and everything: poetry, prose, fanfic, OF. 


Leave your entry as a comment - include your word count, and your twitter handle if you have one.

Probably good practice to reference any source material, too. 

FYI - entries that exceed (or are under) the word limits will not be considered by the judge.

Also, I've had a few questions lately regarding the submission of more than one entry. Yes, you may submit more than one flashfic. I'm going to say a maximum of two (2) entries though. Furthermore, they're not to be continuations, or related to each other in any way -- they need to be completely separate, stand alone entries. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

week 39 winners

Here are @magtwi78's answers to my judgey questions:

1. What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve been given?
If you’re blocked, keep writing. Write the passage you’re blocked on from a different POV. Write a letter to your character, asking them why they’re messing with you. Write a f***ing shopping list—just keep writing.

2. The first and last books you fell in love with?
The first book I remember ever love, love, loving was The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton. Reading it holds some really great memories for me, and it was the first time that I truly felt that I’d entered another world.

The last book would have to be the Divergent series...although I haven’t quite finished Allegiant yet...

3. What's happening outside the nearest window?
Not much—it’s dark.

4. There's a rubber stamp mark on your hand. What does it say?
This too shall pass.

5. Suppose you could travel to any place in time and history. When and where are you going?
I’d like to go to Sandhurst, Victoria, in January 1857. That date would mark the one-year anniversary of my ancestors’s arrival in Australia.

My great-great-great…(insert a few more greats) grandmother came here with her husband and young family for the same reason many did—they were chasing gold. During the months-long trip, her infant child died and was buried at sea. She lost a couple more children in their infancy, but went on to have others. She Cornwall and arrived in the heat of the harsh Australian summer, from what I can tell, she was a remarkably resiliant woman. I’d love to know, and tell, her story.

Ooooooh...he sounds all kinds of intriguing. I want to know his secrets, and I want to know what happened with the passage of time. I also kinda want him to dream about me, too ;-)

@ladylibre - I loved the cadence of this. Each passage was like a breath. I found myself right there—with him—as he watched his love sleep. This was a really lovely nod to canon Edward. Really lovely!

@AnnaLund2011 - This was like a brief, momentary glimpse into two lives. I think it was a great explanation for some of the reasons people might get tattoos, and an interesting use of the prompt. I loved the emotion attached to the words—I really felt it.

@honeybeemeadows - THIRD PLACE: I LOVED this. I could see the words scrawled on skin, and if I thought about it hard enough, I could even feel the press of the ballpoint. Emotive and beautiful and…love.

@suebee0619 - FIRST PLACE: This brought tears to my eyes and made my chest go flutter-flutter-clench. I’m not sure if it was the way you described the depth of her despair, or the hope that bloomed when her savior came...but you hit your target. Beautiful, heartwrenching, yet hopeful all at once. (I just read it again. Yep. Tears.)

@jdifrans - SECOND PLACE: It’s amazing how another person can help heal the scars we draw into ourselves. Insecurity and self-doubt can be such such a damaging beast, but never underestimate the power of human touch. I hope with all of my cells for them, too.

@missthundercunt - HONOURABLE MENTION: I’ve sat here for some time, reading and re-reading this and trying to find the words to explain how I feel. I can’t do it. The visuals are just...and the feeling between the two of them...and...and...and…one word: powerful.

@jiffsimpson - This is so full of hope and trust. You’ve captured her hesitancy perfectly, and described so well the way she feels that his love has helped her heal. So much in so little words—really well done.

@bebeginja - HONOURABLE MENTION: This was almost like poetry to read. I love, love, love the literal imagery of the picture and how you’ve translated it into a reflection of love and trust. I just want to sit in this passage and read it over and over.

@Cloe_Marie - I’m so unsure of how to take this...I’m left with questions. It’s the questions that make me want to know more. Did she leave him for someone else? Or was she taken away in the cruelest way possible? This is just like the beginning hook of a longer story, and I’m hooked. This passage leaves me wanting more…

@ChocoMG2112 - This took me to another time and place, and it feels magical and dark and mysterious. It's amazing what you've done with so few words- I seriously felt like I'd been transported.

@Pinkcookie - ...and what did he say? I’m sitting here scrolling, looking for the rest. You’re going to continue this, right? RIGHT?


Congratulations, @suebee0619 !

Thank you to @magtwi78 for judging, and to everyone who participated.

See you next week.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

week 39 fanficflashfic

Here are this week's prompts, chosen by our judge, @magtwi78.

Use one or both to inspire your writing.

For those playing on their phones and mobile devices, the video is Gotye's "Heart's a Mess."

Remember to check the rules

Have your 100 - 200 words submitted by 12:01am Friday, October 25, US EDST.

We want anything and everything: poetry, prose, fanfic, OF. 


Leave your entry as a comment - include your word count, and your twitter handle if you have one.

Probably good practice to reference any source material, too. 

FYI - entries that exceed (or are under) the word limits will not be considered by the judge.

Also, I've had a few questions lately regarding the submission of more than one entry. Yes, you may submit more than one flashfic. I'm going to say a maximum of two (2) entries though. Furthermore, they're not to be continuations, or related to each other in any way -- they need to be completely separate, stand alone entries. 

P.S. Don't forget to follow @fanficflashfic on twitter.

Friday, October 18, 2013

week 38 winners

Here are @ladylibre's answers to my judgey questions ...

1. What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve been given?
My husband once told me to write whatever satisfies my soul, whatever gives me peace in the context of that story. I think about that every time I get stumped or frustrated with myself, and it gives me courage. And makes me all gooey toward my Hubby.

2. The first and last books you fell in love with?
The first book I remember falling in love with was Little Women. The last one would have to be Twilight.Though I’ve read the saga several times, the first novel captured my heart and hasn’t let go.

3. What's happening outside the nearest window?
The trees are still against the dark autumn sky; a stray cat scurries across the street.

4. There's a rubber stamp mark on your hand. What does it say?
“Go to bed.” It's late, and I really should!

5. Suppose you could travel to any place in time and history. When and where are you going?
I am going to Nazareth to seek Jesus. I love my current relationship with him, but seeing him in the flesh on earth? There are no words.

@magtwi78 - 

I loved this story from its first line, a line I read several times on its own before continuing with the story. It gave me pause and filled me with questions--Who is he? Who is she? And what does it mean that she was first? And that she lost him to her sister and has found a way to be happy about it? Whew! I could go on and on, but suffice it to say, I adored this story from the first line to the last. Bravo!!

@femme_mal -
Beyond the fact that you write so well, this story captured my heart for its poignant power. Your word choice was flawless, creating a clear, evocative picture of this grieving grandpa and the precious girl for whom he now lives. The final line is full of hope, making me smile bittersweetly. Bravo!

@TinsleyWarren -
I was not expecting a father-daughter pairing… what a sweet, pleasant surprise! I’m a Daddy’s girl from waaaay back, so this story touched my heart in a special way.

@Sherbert20111 - Your story has some of my favorite phrases of the week: “... two figures twirling in fits and starts…” “... fighting the sense that her ears are on fire and her tact has left the building.” Very evocative. You have quite a way with words!

@PinkCookie - You really capture the anguish and heartache one feels when a beloved pet dies. God bless the woman in his life for her thoughtfulness, and I hope his new little Aggie brings years of joy to his broken heart :-)

@jdifrans - This right here… “I am everything I never wanted to be” … is a story in and of itself. So layered, potent, and poetic. And as she explains their coming together, how she knew it was one-sided but hoped her love would be enough, my heart breaks. Well done.


Congratulations @magtwi78!

Thank you to @ladylibre for judging, and to everyone who participated.

See you next week.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

week 38 fanficflashfic

Here is the prompt, as chosen by last week's winner, and this week's judge, @ladylibre:

For those playing on phones and mobile devices, it is Garth Brooks performing 'The Dance.'

Watch Garth Brooks "The Dance" in Music  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Remember to check the rules

Have your 100 - 200 words submitted by 12:01am Friday, October 18, US EDST.

We want anything and everything: poetry, prose, fanfic, OF. 


Leave your entry as a comment - include your word count, and your twitter handle if you have one.

Probably good practice to reference any source material, too. 

FYI - entries that exceed (or are under) the word limits will not be considered by the judge.

Also, I've had a few questions lately regarding the submission of more than one entry. Yes, you may submit more than one flashfic. I'm going to say a maximum of two (2) entries though. Furthermore, they're not to be continuations, or related to each other in any way -- they need to be completely separate, stand alone entries. 

P.S. Don't forget to follow @fanficflashfic on twitter.

Friday, October 11, 2013

week 37 winners

Here are @midnightsun1901's answers to my judgey questions.

1. To keep writing regardless of how much you think your writing sucks. Your writing will improve the more you write, trust me. If you're ever feeling doubtful about your writing then compare something you've written now, to something you wrote a year ago, and you'll be amazed at the difference in quality.

2. The first book I fell in love with was probably Harry Potter, which I read as a child. I was intrigued by the magic present throughout the book and felt a connection to the characters that has stayed with me even now. The last book was Jane Eyre, which I found very interesting.

3. Cars are racing by at irregular intervals and trees dance in the wind against the stark contrast of the clear sky.

4. Ignore the judgements of others.

5. To the Tudor court during the reign of King Henry VIII, temporarily of course. It would be interesting to see the fashion, attitudes and behaviour of the people of that time. 

@ladylibre - 
1st place:
The description in this is incredible and paints a very beautiful and wistful picture. You’ve portrayed the emotions of your characters to an excellent standard and the writing is of very high quality. 

@AnnaLund2011 -
3rd place:
The emotions conveyed in this piece of writing are raw and relatable, and the bitterness makes the whole piece rather sad. It is very easy to sympathise with the character, even having not heard their full story.

@no-name-given ;) - I love your interpretation of the prompt. The hope weaved throughout this is very appealing and allows your story to continue even after the words have stopped.  

@Pinkcookie - You’ve written this really well, and I liked the coincidence that occurred.

@Shneezles -
2nd place:
The guy in this sounds so sweet, and you genuinely made me feel sad over the fact that not only did the main character ignore him, but it was too late when she finally did notice him. Your description is also great.

@femme_mal - This is very well written and I love the characters’ transition from being constrained to feeling free.

@hummingbirdff - I love your use of character development and the ending made me smile.


Congratulations @ladylibre!

Thank you to @midnightsun1901 for judging, and to everyone who participated.

See you next week.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

week 37 fanficflashfic

Here are the prompts, chosen by this week's judge, @midnightsun1901.

Use one or both to inspire your writing.

Remember to check the rules

Have your 100 - 200 words submitted by 12:01am Friday, October 11, US EDST.

We want anything and everything: poetry, prose, fanfic, OF. 


Leave your entry as a comment - include your word count, and your twitter handle if you have one.

Probably good practice to reference any source material, too. 

FYI - entries that exceed (or are under) the word limits will not be considered by the judge.

Also, I've had a few questions lately regarding the submission of more than one entry. Yes, you may submit more than one flashfic. I'm going to say a maximum of two (2) entries though. Furthermore, they're not to be continuations, or related to each other in any way -- they need to be completely separate, stand alone entries. 

P.S. Don't forget to follow @fanficflashfic on twitter.


Friday, October 4, 2013

week 36 winners

From judge, @moonlit__girl:

@midnightsun1901 -- WINNER -- Such strong voice in this one. i love how you set up her struggle and then show us how she can win. I love how she is stronger than I initially thought she was. And I love this:  Whether it be through music or will, she won't let them win. She is the queen of her own mind.

@AnnaLund2011 - All music has power. These lines also have power: I’ll keep my scars, but the phantom pain is gone.
Right there in the heart of it, is where I find the way forward.  You left me wanting to know what came before, and what comes next.

@sandyquill - This is sweet and sad and hopeful. Your descriptions are vivid (Her eyes were a different shade of blue than his, like the summer sky staring down at a rare blue pimpernel) and I love the words you chose to show how music can physically grab hold of us (The thrum of the chords rolled from the belly of the acoustic instrument to touch her as she paused in her daily journey.)

@Pinkcookie - Wow, the imagery here is quite powerful (the flames create charred trails viciously meandering along my body. I brush the cinders away and see the scars your distain left there) Live music can be particularly powerful can’t it?.

@Mylisssa - Isn’t it interesting how different people interpret the same social interaction? Add some years gone by, and the stories get fuzzier. Are her self-inflicted scars from high school? Or are they more current? I love how Bella gets pulled in by the music despite her sour memory of the musician, and I like the hopefulness at the end. Yes, go talk outside!

@Aleeab4u - Did you write a song for me? :-) This reads like a song in my head, and I’d love to know what tune I should put with i! The third stanza (verse?) is so fun and perfect! (But she marches to the beat of a different drummer, death metal playing in the wings. You see her sway to your homespun groove, thinking you hear angels sing. It's only hellfire packaged nice, and that girl's burning up inside. Got her own kinda healing to find.)

@melfin80 - Oh, the imagery! I can see the song literally weaving, stitching her back together, trying to make things right again. (I feel a prick, Then a pull, Another prick, And pull. The first stitch Is placed. Slowly, The crack begins to close). So calculated, meticulous, but also lovely.

@BlackLioness_ - I want to know more of this girl. More about her previous life, more about her current situation. More about the tattoos she chose (I absently trace my fingers along my collarbone. I’d thought the pain of the needle as it etched reminders of my previous life into my skin would distract me. It didn’t..) And it’s so true, isn’t it- the music and the boy- that’s what matters ;-)

@Pinkcookie - Isn’t it funny how we often pair songs with people? I love the simplicity of this: My beautiful man has a matching beautiful song. How much longer will she have to wait? Until then, your music sustains me and my soul. She’s willing to wait, and I’m rooting for her.

@TinsleyWarren - I like the spin you put on this- that she’s healing herself by playing her own music (I let the music take me away. The notes seemed to heal me in ways I could never imagine. I felt lighter just by playing.) While the mood was sad but hopeful, this line made me laugh out loud:  I was an adult and those adult choices sucked. I think she’ll be just fine.


Congratulations @midnightsun1901!

Thank you to @moonlit__girl for judging, and to everyone who participated.

See you next week.