Thursday, July 25, 2013

week 26 fanficflashfic

Has this been happening for six months already? Wowzas.

Oh! Don't forget to follow @fanficflashfic on twitter.

Here are the prompts chosen by this week's judge, @twilightladies1.

Remember to check the rules

Have your 100 - 200 words submitted by 12:00am Friday, July 26, US EDST.

We want anything and everything: poetry, prose, fanfic, OF. 


Leave your entry as a comment - include your word count, and your twitter handle if you have one.

Probably good practice to reference any source material, too. 

FYI - entries that exceed (or are under) the word limits will not be considered by the judge.

P.S. If you look to the right, where it says "flashers," you'll see I'm linking the places where people are posting their flash fics - either on or on blog sites or whatever. If you'd like me to add you over there, just say so, and include the link with your entry today. Shell xo


  1. @moonlit__girl
    141 words

    the sunlight burns orange
    through my closed
    eyes, an unwelcome sign that
    morning is here.


    i squeeze them shut, instead
    filling my mind with pictures
    of you- the gold-green-hazel eyes that
    glared at me across the picnic table,
    the curtain of red-brown hair that
    you hid behind while you strummed
    your guitar, the water streaming
    off your back as you stormed out
    of the lake, your toes burrowing into
    the sand at the bonfire...

    i will the other pictures away, try
    not to think about the feel and
    taste and smell of your skin or the way you-


    i crack my eyes open, and
    the light hurts and that’s good, because
    it helps me rewind and

    thinking about how you hated me
    with every ounce of your being before
    you loved me
    makes it easier that
    summer’s gone.

  2. Word Count = 200 per GDocs


    = = =

    “Hey, Alice!”

    I was NOT expecting Jasper Whitlock—tall, rangy, and bearing the scars of old fights—to actually call my name at the Magic Kingdom. I turned and was totally surprised that he was standing next to me, those gray-blue eyes smiling into mine. He looked . . . interested.

    We ditched our families for a day and park-hopped. He held my hand on the tram! I felt my face go all pink. He might have smiled a little, but who cared? He was hot when he smiled.

    And when we went on the safari ride at the Animal Kingdom? He put his arm around me.

    And that night? When Disney did the fireworks show? He turned me in his arms and whispered, “I’m gonna kiss you, Alice.”

    “Okay,” I managed to say over the sound of my heart pounding. Jasper was an amazing kisser, all slow on the approach but . . . wow.

    My family left the next day. Jasper never called me. I was okay with that. I mean, what’s a day of Sweet Awesome Southern Boy compared to a lifetime of Popular Jerk?

    But as I was heading to class, I saw him. I could still feel his kiss.

    He looked at me.

  3. @sulliedsoles
    Word count: 200

    The first concert of the summer doesn't disappoint. It's all heat and sweat and mud, spilled beer and stumbles. My girls snake through the crowd and I'm following, unlit cigarette and iPhone in hand, until Ally-girl gasps.

    "He's here."

    I know exactly who she means.

    You're standing to our left holding her hand. Your hair's a mess because she's wearing your hat, and I want to rip it off her bottle-blond head. Alice tugs my arm.

    "C'mon," she says. I don't budge. I'm too busy gawking at that goddamned jaw of yours.

    "Wow," I mutter. No way you heard that, but your eyes find mine.

    "He's staring..." Alice whispers.

    "No shit," I whisper back. At least I know I'm not hallucinating.

    I expect you to look away, but instead this sinister smirk-grin creeps over your lips and I find myself smiling in response, tucking the cigarette between my lips, coy and confident. Your right eyebrow goes up, and my heart twists.

    Neon green flashes from the stage and the show starts. You look away and Ally says, way too loud, "What the actual fuck was that?"

    I shrug, light my cigarette and exhale, perma-smile in place. "He looked at me."

  4. @sri_ffn
    200 words
    I saw his long drawn face everyday this past week. Something was bothering him. It was that man. I knew it in my gut. I saw it every time he flinched hearing his name. I saw the panic in his eyes when he heard who was in town this week. Oh how I wished to throttle that beast for scaring my boy.

    He never paid me much attention; he studiously ignored my presence in his life, just as ardently I observed his. I was shocked when he held my hand suddenly. I was even more surprised when he pressed his nose in my navel and started crying. The library was deserted just like the books on his table. I enveloped his face in my arms. I wiped his tears after he cried his heart out. His tears had dried and his eyes were on me. After almost three weeks, my boy actually looked at me—he really saw me. His face fell from what he saw, my face lighted up from what I saw. I didn't care that I was paler and thinner with worry. My boy finally looked at me, and that's all that mattered. He looked at me.

  5. @everydaybella89
    Words: 188

    He was a senior and I was a sophomore. We were three years are apart in age, but we didn’t care. We hid everything because our parents wouldn’t be happy, my father especially. It was all worth it though. Edward was everything to me and he thought the same of me.

    One golden summer was all we had before he left. College would be nothing, he promised. Phone calls and letters weren’t easy—we were so far apart—but he swore that he wouldn’t forget me.

    He did, of course he did. I wasn’t interesting or pretty. He broke my heart when he didn’t call, but I didn’t stop loving him. I just needed answers.

    So, I went looking for him after I graduated. I couldn’t mistake him. Edward was a singular entity.

    “I’m sorry,” he said brokenly. “I just wanted you to be happy. I thought it was too much for you. Please forgive me?”

    I fell into his arms. It wasn’t perfect, we would have issues to work through, but it would be worth it. For the first time in a long time, I was home.

  6. @believeitornott

    200 words

    “Hands off,” her daddy told me. “She’s seventeen.”
    But her mouth, her neck, her legs, that dress. Her eyes: deep brown, wide, ready for anything.
    Sweating, we walked toward the lake.
    “You’re quiet.”
    I looked down, kept quiet. Kept my mama out of it.
    I pulled her by the hips. She brushed my face, her eyes on mine. Those eyes. They could cure me.
    “The way you look at me,” she said.
    I leaned closer, wanted permission. “Your daddy?”
    “He talks too much.”
    Our lips touched. Our tongues.
    I wrapped my arms around her, she pressed into me.
    “I never been kissed like this before,” she said in nothing but breaths. I wanted all of her.
    I kissed her the best I could.
    We swam in our underwear.
    Moonlight hit the lake’s surface. Underneath, she clung to me. My chest tightened.
    “Bella...” It was our last night. Here only to bury my mama, I hadn’t counted on meeting this girl in my arms.
    “You’ll come back?”
    My insides twitched. I couldn’t afford it, barely made tuition. I kissed her neck.
    “It isn’t fair.” She stiffened.
    You come to me, I wanted to beg.
    Her eyes closed. I pulled her under.

  7. Twitter: @bigblueboat
    Word Count: 182
    Since she started at the beginning of summer, I've wondered if she ever noticed me. She takes my money and hands me my coffee with a smile most days, just like every other schmuck who comes in here. She hasn't even memorized my order. What's so hard to recall about a double shot espresso?

    I've noticed how her eyes light up when she laughs at a joke, sparkling behind those black, thick-framed glasses; how her socks never match when she comes out from behind the counter to sweep the floors; how she is more likely to flirt with male customers than female, although there are some exceptions... and yet, I don't get more than the basic “here's your drink” smile.

    Today I broke from my usual routine and came in for caffeine at lunch. The shop was basically dead: one person in a suit pecking away at his laptop and the two baristas looking bored.

    She looks up, our eyes meeting. “Hey, Ben. We missed you this morning.”

    Huh. I guess smiles and lack of memorized drink orders don’t tell you everything.

  8. @MrsRobCullen

    Huge thanks to @sparklymeg for all your help and getting me to 199 words!

    Tonight had been a mistake.

    I just wanted to see him, hear his voice, be near him one last time.

    “I should go.”

    “Running to the new boyfriend?”

    Jealousy was a constant in our relationship.

    “I’m not seeing anyone, I told you.”

    How do we say our goodbyes now?

    “So stay.” Cockily, he leaned back on the hotel bed propping himself up on his elbows. I drank him in; we drove each other crazy, but it wasn’t healthy.

    “I can’t, I… ”

    I started towards the door; he blocked my way.

    “Don’t go,” he choked. The pain in those perfect dark eyes killed me.

    Don’t let him see you cry. There’ll be no going back.

    The heat radiated off his body like a warning; it wouldn’t be long until I was lost.

    “Stay,” he pleaded, his breath at my ear.

    His lips trailed fire along my jaw, searching for my mouth. I opened eager to him, hungry.

    Too long, it had been too long.

    Our love burned too bright; smoldering hot. A love to be suffered, not rejoiced.

    I broke away with a sob.

    Our eyes, our souls met in a silent goodbye. This would be our last kiss.

  9. @sparklymeg
    200 words

    The sun beats down, hot and sticky on my back, beads of sweat running down my neck as I roll us over, hovering over you.

    Push, pull.

    Nip, grasp.

    Deep, so deep.

    A shadow falls over your face as the sky blackens, a slate grey sheet covering blue.

    My name falls from your lips like a litany as you sink your nails into my back.

    A rumble in the distance, a flash of light, a crack.

    Rain pelts down, we make a mad dash for shelter, huddling under jagged rocks.

    “We haven’t had a thunderstorm up here in years!” You shriek, your face wet with rain, you hair sloshing around your shoulders.

    You’ve never looked more beautiful.

    Every summer, we do this.

    It started with innocent brushes of hands, small smiles. Then, stolen kisses in the lifeguard hut after hours, fleeting late night visits.

    This year, I gave you it all.

    When the end comes, you high-five me like old buddy, telling me you’ll see me next year.

    Fall, winter, spring without you go by so slowly.

    “So where’re you going to school in the Fall?”

    I want more than fleeting, I want more than a flash.

    “Wherever you go.”

  10. Looking back through my old photo albums with my daughter, a certain picture makes me pause. Just looking down at his dimpled smile transports me back into that moment.

    I remember the sun was really hot that day and I had tried to use that to my advantage by wearing the skimpiest bathing suit I owned. I was casually tanning by his lifeguard post, hoping to catch his eye, and a big beefy guy came up. He gave me a smirk and tried to throw some cheesy one liner at me.

    Before I could say anything my lifeguard blew his whistle and growled at the beefcake that he was standing too close to his post. He glared at the guy, watching him walk away and then gave me the most dazzling smile. My heart stopped.

    He looked at me!

    After that we spent the rest of the summer together. We shared a lot of firsts and then sadly it ended. Knowing it would end never stopped me from embracing the magic of first love.

    I may have never seen that boy again, but looking up at my husband, I was glad to have found the man he became.

    Words: 198

  11. Pinkcookie (PM me at
    200 words

    Day dreaming, I happily munched my cherry frosted Pop Tart. It was the first day of summer vacation from school and I looked forward to going to the skate park to watch you and try to get you to look at me. So far nothing I did had worked.

    Your aerials and grinds were absolutely breathtaking. At least it took my breath when you did them. You of the bronzed hair, bronzed body, and bronze-worthy jaw.

    Dad jerked me out of my reverie, “That grass already needs to be cut!” “Well, don’t look at me! I have plans!” Yeah, I plan to spend my morning choosing just the right pair of daisy dukes to wear to the skate park. Dad sighed and left for work.

    Mom came downstairs and right away said, “Those dishes need to be washed!” “Well don’t look at me! I just did my nails!” Mom sighed and left for work.

    Once I was sufficiently primped I walked to the skate park. There you were in all your glory. My insides twirled like I was on the Tilt-a-Whirl. I wasn’t watching my feet and tripped up the steps with a loud shriek. You looked at me. Finally.

  12. @shellisthimbles
    199 ineligible words
    Italics from Richard III. I am not Shakespeare.

    One hand trailing patterns in the soft, white sand, I glance over the top of my book. This time he catches me looking.

    He winks.

    I smile and try to focus once again on the words in front of me.

    Now is the winter of our discontent
    Made glorious summer by this son of York;
    And all the clouds that low'r'd upon our house
    In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.

    Fuck it. “You said it, Dick.”

    I toss the battered library book away.

    Spring, rather than winter, might’ve been the season of my discontent, but the sentiment works. It’s just going to make this summer all the sweeter.

    Because I’ve had enough of being me. I’ve had enough of responsibility and putting everyone else first. I’ve had enough of accepting insincere apologies, of pitying looks and whispered words of condolence.

    So fuck it all.

    This summer is mine.

    I plan to spend my days in a chemical haze, my evenings giggly-drunk, and my nights in bed with the cutest boy I can find.

    A shadow falls over me, and I look up into sea-blue eyes.

    “What’s your name, handsome?”

    He smirks. “Edward.”

    Oh, yes. He’ll do nicely.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Sometimes I liked to think that he was really mine; that I had him in the palm of my hand just as surely as he had me in his.

    Burying our toes in the sand, enjoying the ocean-scented breeze, it was pretty easy to believe.

    I allowed myself to lose sight of reality. I went head first into the water, and sank as deep as I could. I couldn’t see the shore anymore.

    It never mattered, though. His touch, his whispered words, his devilish smile and skilful tongue, were enough.

    He was all I saw.

    “Let yourself feel alive,” he said that first night, when my fears threatened to get the best of me. When I almost told him no, and ran away.

    He touched his lips to mine, coaxing the surrender out of me. I was weightless in his arms.

    And then September rolled around, and I could feel the surface pulling me up. Suddenly, the warm breeze I had enjoyed made me shiver in his arms. The water didn’t hold me down anymore.

    The pain was too real because I had allowed myself to feel.

    Summers don’t last forever and neither did we.

    195 words.

  15. @Mylisssa
    200 words
    First day of school, I wait in the front, sitting on a concrete slab. I’m not waiting for you. I have friends. Not as many as you, but if I sit here, someone will come.

    If it’s you, if you want me, I’ll go with you. Summertime love sparkled in your eyes just last night. Is it farfetched to hope it won’t be gone? That word of goodbye and our fingertips reaching were filled with longing, but laced with something else.

    For months, we were hands on every crevice and mouths on places that made the world spin faster. So fast that time sped up and dropped me to where you don’t know who I am.

    Your car pulls up, a girl you used to date in the passenger seat and three boys who call themselves your friends in the back. I busy myself by fidgeting with my phone.

    You walk by; you’re backpack only on one shoulder. Your green eyes pierce right through me, saying you know everything about me, but you don’t want to. You keep walking.

    Someone sits beside me. I turn and smile, pretending that the you I know doesn’t exist. I made him up.

  16. @Shneezles
    200 Words


    Falling in love with him was a bad idea.

    It was like admiring a beautiful rose from your bedroom window.

    You revel at the vibrancy, the colour, and the smile it puts on your face when you see it every day.

    The feel of his hand in mine, his warm breathe on my neck, his smile.

    When everything is calm and settled the rose stays upright, unwavering. Strong.

    Like his lips on mine. His hand gripping my shirt. His strong arm firmly wrapped around me to stop me from falling.

    But then the wind blows, even the gentlest breeze makes the rose sway.

    Another petal falls.

    And his hand falls from mine. He walks two steps ahead. The 2 am phone calls stop.

    Everything stays the same, the house, the room, the window.

    But you were looking into a stranger’s garden, where someone else will pick your perfect rose. You fall asleep blissfully unaware that it will be gone tomorrow.

    All that remains are memories. The picture of the rose in your mind. Scattered petals on the ground.

    A ticket stub.

    A picture.

    A message on a Post it.

    The quickening of your heart every time you think of him.

  17. Twitter: @hummingbirdFF
    Word count: 185


    I was staring at her, I know, but I couldn't look away. She was radiant.

    Suddenly, I realized she was turning my way, yet I could not look away. Her eyes passed over my deer-in-the-headlights ones and then did a double take. Instead of the apathy I expected, the corners of her lips lifted, revealing a dimple in her left cheek and crinkles in the corners of her eyes.

    Her long, graceful fingers rose to cover her ruby lips, hiding the giggle that rippled across her face. A slight flush covered the apples of her cheeks, but was suddenly obscured from my view as her hair fell across her turning face.

    She twisted back, causing my mouth to drop open as she shifted her fingers away from her lips to blow me a soft kiss.

    She giggled again (probably at my stupefied expression), and I watched as her friend dragged her away.

    I suddenly realised that I needed to take a breath—had I really been holding it through our entire exchange?

    In those few precious seconds, I caught a glimpse of my entire future.


  18. Thoughts of him during that summer
    The dirt and grass stains on his jersey,
    The sweat down his cheeks,
    Consumed my every thought

    My cheers for him as he hit a homerun,
    And when he’d look at me in the stands
    As he rounded the bases,
    Oh how it made my heart flutter and scream louder!

    Soon I couldn’t get enough of him,
    And wanted to be with him after every game
    There were nights where we loved with passion,
    Other nights he was away and I was left crying alone
    There was nothing like our reunions!

    All too soon, as with the end of the season,
    The summer went away,
    Taking with it our fervor for each other

    When autumn came, we both seemed to move on:
    I moved across the country to attend an Ivy League school,
    He transferred baseball teams, making it to the Major League

    Years later, we’ve met again,
    Our feelings returned as fast as lightning
    Both of our dreams have come true,
    We can concentrate on each other
    This time it’s the right time

    180 words

  19. @GeekChic12FF
    Word count: 200

    The end-of-summer bonfire is huge in Forks.

    Everyone and their brother shows up to these things.

    Including Edward.

    He broke up with me three days ago, but Alice forced me to come.

    “Long-distance relationships just don’t work,” he’d said. “Harvard is on the other side of the country, Bella.”

    Like I didn’t fucking know that.

    Sitting by the fire, I begin to fidget when I see him walking toward me in a white t-shirt and navy board-shorts. Turning quickly toward Alice, I hide behind the curtain of my long hair.

    I can’t watch him strut around, having a great time. I’ve barely been able to breathe since we broke up.

    I squeeze my eyes shut, sending twin tears streaking down my cheeks.

    A few grains of sand skitter across the tops of my feet, and Alice suddenly stands up. Startled, I look up to see Edward folding himself to sit on the log next to me.

    I swipe at my cheeks quickly as he begins speaking.

    “Bella, I... Shit.” He runs a hand through his messy hair, and my lungs seize. “I just really miss you. I think I’ve changed my mind.”

    And just like that, I can breathe again.

  20. @ChocoMG2112
    Word count: 198

    My robes had me near to overheated as I stood in the square outside the church. I felt disconnected from things that summer day as people milled about me. The sounds of women chattering as they made their market purchases filled my ears. The noblemen were there too, busking and boasting, speaking about themselves and their actions, but they were nothing more than puffed up pretenders.

    Did people not comprehend that there were more important things in this life? There was increasing talk of war and just a few months ago a plague scare.

    Suddenly, I heard a noise from across the square and turned to see, shading my eyes from the sunlight bouncing off the brightly-colored glass chimes a vendor was selling.

    She was perfection. Deep chestnut hair curled and braided with jewels down her back. Her angelic face left me speechless. Such beauty was a gift from God. How had I never seen her before today?

    My heart beat rapidly as my eyes drank in her radiance. The beauty caught me staring and smiled wickedly. My body responded in kind.

    I felt a tap at my shoulder; turning I saw the Bishop.

    “Father, we must talk.”

  21. "I hate Nicholas Sparks. Sappy soap opera stuff."

    "Me too. My mom watches movies based on his books while eating ice cream and sobbing like a baby. I just don't get his stuff."

    "At least she gets the ice cream part right," he said as he licked the cone she'd prepared for him. His familiar pink tongue traced down one side and up the other over the cold vanilla and chocolate.

    Her own cone dripped onto her bare thigh; she gasped and jumped at the surprise of cold meeting warm in the dark on the deck. He laughed and ran his finger over her skin to wipe up a taste of her strawberry ice cream off her warm flesh.

    He slurped the sweet-tartness off his finger before leaning over and kissing her cool lips tasting of berries and cream.

    Would it ever be like this again, she wondered.

    Years later she thought of that night, when fireflies flitted by in the midnight blue over their heads like shooting stars.

    She took a bite of her strawberry ice cream before muting the Nicholas Sparks movie, as sweet-tartness melded with the bitterness of salty tears on her tongue.

    196 words

  22. @mslizabeth
    Word Count: 173

    Her fingers teased the light switch, tapping everywhere but the piece that was necessary to illuminate the room. Taking a deep breath she finally turned the light on, holding her breath.

    Stepping closer to the mirror her eyes narrowed suspiciously. Brown hair, brown eyes, same simple red t-shirt she’d pulled on in a rush out the door this morning. She showed her teeth as she studied her reflection; nothing was stuck in her teeth.

    She couldn’t understand why everything looked exactly the same as it always did in the mirror. She wasn’t ugly, but she was ordinary; yet somehow he had spoken to her today.

    In fact, he had gone out of his way to seek her out. Without any effort she could picture the way he was casually leaned up against her locker as if it were an everyday occurrence.

    Stepping back she extinguished the light in the bathroom, there was a boy waiting at the table for her. She didn’t know what he wanted, but she didn’t want to miss out.
