Friday, September 27, 2013

week 35 winners

Here are @mylisssa's answers to the judgey questions:

1. What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve been given?
Don't write as if someone is looking over your shoulder judging you. 

2. The first and last books you fell in love with?
The first book I remember really getting lost in was Now That Andi's Gone by Karle Dickerson. I think I may have to order a new copy now that I'm thinking about it. The last book I fell in love with was Tully by Paullina Simons.
3. What's happening outside the nearest window?
Three birds are in the grass which is still wet from the sprinklers. Otherwise it's stillness and shadows from the trees. 

4. There's a rubber stamp mark on your hand. What does it say?
Just Breathe

5. Suppose you could travel to any place in time and history. When and
where are you going?
I automatically think of things in the past that I'd want to try and prevent, but if I couldn't change a thing, I'd just go to a field in the middle of nowhere in the spring.

I was amazed by all of the unique flashes. They are all so good. Thanks for writing!

@AnnaLund2011 - Oh, no! I know all about those pretty words with nothing to back them up. I love the way you opened and closed this.

@sandyquill - Second Place. I had so many ideas running through my head while reading this. When he started to use his knife, everything started to make sense. You captured these moments in such a way from this guy’s perspective that the whole thing sounds so normal.

@moonlit__girl - Honorable Mention-This is cute. I could feel the frustration throughout and clearly imagine the scene. The reactions were so realistic. By the end, I was smiling. Their adventure really has just begun.

@moonlit__girl - First Place. Beautiful. I loved the tone of this, the seamless flow, and the bell in her hand that she doesn’t ring.

@smalltownchicka - Third Place. These two have so much ahead of them. It hurt my heart with happy and worried feels to find out they have a baby on the way and that’s why they left. I’m so relieved they made it to his aunt’s house.

@Viridian6 - Wow! What a delusional plagiarist. This is likely how blind they are to their crimes. At least this one is giving in to truth of the accusation. Hopefully they learn something.

@Sherbert20111 - Loved! I was smiling so big by the time she said, “You look different with your clothes on.”

@TinsleyWarren - I loved the use of both prompts here and how they helped her determine that she was staying. There is so much hope in going from dreading something to taking charge of your own life.

@Pinkcookie - What a desperate situation they are in, and this is only a glimpse of it. This left me wanting to know what is going to happen next!

@CrackedFic - Edward feels so lost, but then there’s the companionship between these two, like a dim light in a dark tunnel, making it bearable.

@SerendipitousMC - This line is amazing: “I felt the loss that you can only know when you didn't try.” At least in the end, she was the one to try. I wonder what would have happened had he picked the other hand.

@jdifrans - This made me so sad. I just want to go back to that last box she’s packing and tell her, “No!”

@adriftinmyhead - Honorable Mention-I feel so much for her, being a mother, going, going, going, but inside, she’s empty.


Congratulations, @moonlit__girl!

Thank you to @mylisssa for judging, and to everyone who participated.

See you all next week.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

week 35 fanficflashfic

Here are the prompts chosen by last week's winner, @mylisssa.

You may use one or both to inspire your writing.

Remember to check the rules

Have your 100 - 200 words submitted by 12:01am Friday, September 27, US EDST.

We want anything and everything: poetry, prose, fanfic, OF. 


Leave your entry as a comment - include your word count, and your twitter handle if you have one.

Probably good practice to reference any source material, too. 

FYI - entries that exceed (or are under) the word limits will not be considered by the judge.

Also, I've had a few questions lately regarding the submission of more than one entry. Yes, you may submit more than one flashfic. I'm going to say a maximum of two (2) entries though. Furthermore, they're not to be continuations, or related to each other in any way -- they need to be completely separate, stand alone entries. 

P.S. Don't forget to follow @fanficflashfic on twitter.


JSYK - I'm away with little to no connectivity. Please be patient if there's a delay with the results. Cheers!

Friday, September 20, 2013

week 34 winners

From judge, @Cracked Fic:

Every single one of these is a good story. I love the way everyone toyed with the theme and came up with their own take. I especially loved that the endings were all so imaginative. What a treat reading these was this week. Bravo, writers.

@mylisssa - First Place. Wow. I really loved the menace in this one. It’s there without being explicit. And the tone is perfect. The matter-of-fact way she says these things, as if she’s just taking down her grocery list. Really nice job.

@AnnaLund2011 - Second Place. This one made me laugh. I really don’t know what she has planned for tonight, but I’m scared of her anyway. You go, Madeleine.

@moonlit__girl - Third Place. Good god, I gasped out loud at the end of this one. I really didn’t see that one coming. So sad.

@magtwi78 - Honorable Mention. Great ending. The writing here is so vivid that I could picture the scene unfolding as I read. I love that.


Congratulations @mylisssa!

Thank you to @CrackedFic for judging, and to everyone who participated.

See you next week.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

week 34 fanficflashfic

Here's the prompt chosen by this week's judge, @CrackedFic:

Remember to check the rules

Have your 100 - 200 words submitted by 12:01am Friday, September 20, US EDST.

We want anything and everything: poetry, prose, fanfic, OF. 


Leave your entry as a comment - include your word count, and your twitter handle if you have one.

Probably good practice to reference any source material, too. 

FYI - entries that exceed (or are under) the word limits will not be considered by the judge.

Also, I've had a few questions lately regarding the submission of more than one entry. Yes, you may submit more than one flashfic. I'm going to say a maximum of two (2) entries though. Furthermore, they're not to be continuations, or related to each other in any way -- they need to be completely separate, stand alone entries. 

P.S. Don't forget to follow @fanficflashfic on twitter.



Yo! Flashers ...

Did you know you can get the super awesome people over at the Emergency Beta Service to have a look over your flashes before you submit them? Click this link, or the box on the right of screen, and it'll send you right over to their website. You can submit a question, and have them look over your flash for you. Just remember to check out their rules first, and give them a few hours to get back to ya!

Friday, September 13, 2013

week 33 winners

Here are @GeekChic12FF's answers to the judgey questions:

1. What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve been given?
Write first. Edit later.

2. The first and last books you fell in love with?
The first would have to be Charlotte’s Web. The latest would be Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell.

3. What's happening outside the nearest window?
A bunny is hanging out in my yard. I think it lives here now. It’s always there, being chased by my gigantic dog when I let her out. Poor bunny.

4. There's a rubber stamp mark on your hand. What does it say?
Mommy needs a break

5. Suppose you could travel to any place in time and history. When and where are you going?
This is a tough question because women were so undervalued in much of the past. If I had to choose, I’d probably say the fifties because you didn’t have to be stick thin to be considered beautiful. Although I’m a terrible housekeeper, so it probably wouldn’t go so well for me.
If it’s just for a glimpse or a moment and not to live, I think it would have been cool to go to Studio 54 in its prime.

Thank you all so much for your lovely words. It was amazing to see what you could do with these prompts, and I am in awe of your talent. Truly.

It was so tough for me to choose the winners because you all did such a wonderful job.

@midnightsun_1901 - HONORABLE MENTION - Wow. So poignant. Don’t let opportunities slip away. No regrets. Lovely.

@moonlit__girl - Oh, this makes my heart so sad for her. I think most of us have been there, watching someone we care about with someone else. That kind of courage would be wonderful to have indeed.

@AnnaLund2011 - Oh, no. This was so hopeful and beautiful, and then...disappointment. I loved the way you describe the feelings of linking hands with someone you love. Beautiful.

@adriftinmyhead - So very sweet. Seems like he was waiting for her to make a move all along.

@sandyquill - SECOND PLACE - Stunning. Such a powerful story in so few words. I’m in awe.

@MadiMerek - The cadence of this was beautiful, and I could feel this person’s pain. Wonderful.

@ltlerthqak - You captured this moment so well. That overwhelming need to just connect with the person you’re longing for. Well done.

@bebeginja - HONORABLE MENTION - The first two sentences drew me in instantly. They ring so true, and my heart is heavy for these two who will be separated before they seem to have had the chance to be together. I hope he comes back and finds his courage to tell her.

@sparklymeg - Wow, I felt that kiss in my chest. I felt so happy for her. It started out so sad, and you described her loneliness perfectly. I would love to see more of this.

@everydaybella89 - *clutches heart* I imagine there were many letters like this sent from men at war. Quite a lonely feeling indeed. I do hope he’s home soon.

@CrackedFic - FIRST PLACE - This had me smiling so big and laughing at the end (I even did a fist pump). Just perfect.

@hummingbirdff & @bigblueboat - I could definitely feel her frustration and was so glad at the end that he wasn’t actually gone permanently. The relief was sweet.

@femme_mal - ‘her lips touching the finest hairs on the skin of his earlobe, sending tickling ripples of heat down to his crotch.’ Love that line. It made me so happy when these two were reunited.

@Shneezles - This was just wonderful. I love the descriptions of his hugs, kisses, and touches. And I love how you captured how powerful it is to hold hands with the person you love.

Pinkcookie - Ha. So unexpected. Sounds like revenge will be sweet for her. Makes me wonder how he treated her.

@ChocoMG2112 - I had to go back and reread this, catching little things on the second pass. Her pain is palpable, and my heart just breaks for her.

@hummingbirdff - HONORABLE MENTION - Ouch. Probably the smart thing to do, but ouch. I love the way this was structured. So much story in so few words.

@jacndaniel - THIRD PLACE - You captured her pain so eloquently. The beginning about taking his hand for granted was just lovely. So heartbreaking.

@TinsleyWarren - So sweet. Tracking her down at a speed-dating event was a bold move. Glad it worked. :)


Congratulations @CrackedFic!

Thank you to @GeekChic12FF for judging, and to everyone who participated.

See you next week.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

week 33 fanficflashfic

Here are the prompts chosen by last week's winner, @GeekChic12FF.

You may use one or both to inspire your writing.

Remember to check the rules

Have your 100 - 200 words submitted by 12:01am Friday, September 13, US EDST.

We want anything and everything: poetry, prose, fanfic, OF. 


Leave your entry as a comment - include your word count, and your twitter handle if you have one.

Probably good practice to reference any source material, too. 

FYI - entries that exceed (or are under) the word limits will not be considered by the judge.

Also, I've had a few questions lately regarding the submission of more than one entry. Yes, you may submit more than one flashfic. I'm going to say a maximum of two (2) entries though. Furthermore, they're not to be continuations, or related to each other in any way -- they need to be completely separate, stand alone entries. 

P.S. Don't forget to follow @fanficflashfic on twitter.



Yo! Flashers ...

Did you know you can get the super awesome people over at the Emergency Beta Service to have a look over your flashes before you submit them? Click this link, or the box on the right of screen, and it'll send you right over to their website. You can submit a question, and have them look over your flash for you. Just remember to check out their rules first, and give them a few hours to get back to ya!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

week 32 winners

Here are PinkCookie's answers to my judgey questions.

1. What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve been given?
That my writing should flow and be effortless for the reader to follow.

 2. The first and last books you fell in love with?

First:  Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.  I read it at a young age and was mesmerized by the adventure, danger and ingenuity of Robinson.  And when he first saw the human footprint, it was just so exciting!  I remember turning those pages long into the night.  I think this book sparked by love of literature.  My older sister gave me the book and I remember being thrilled that it was my first real hard-copy book. 
Last:  Linda Castillo’s ‘Silence Series’ …  Sworn to Silence; Pray for Silence; Breaking Silence… These books contain so many secrets that get slowly uncovered and always have a surprise ending.  Really entertaining, good beach reads (and I live at the beach!).
3. What's happening outside the nearest window?
A single thirty-something guy lives next door and he surfs and/or rides his bike almost every day.  He just got back from surfing and is standing on his back porch (which is directly adjacent to my family room sliding glass doors!) wringing out his t-shirt.  He is tall, dark-haired, easy on the eyes, and has wash-board abs that you could literally do your laundry on!  And, his name is Max.  I know!  Yes, I oogle him shamelessly.  Good thing my sliding glass doors are tinted so he can't see in!  I do hate rainy days when he can't surf!  Oh yeah, my black and white cat is walking around like a princess surveying her kingdom.   

4. There's a rubber stamp mark on your hand. What does it say?

5. Suppose you could travel to any place in time and history. When and where are you going? 
I need my creature comforts, so I can't go too far back in time!  I think I'd go back to London in the 60's and be a flower child.  Sounds fun to me.  Plus I love 60's music.

From PinkCookie: 

Hi there all you flashers!  Thank you so much for your great stories.  I enjoyed each and every one.  I loved seeing all your different writing styles and viewpoints.  It was gut-wrenching to pick a winner, but I know that is what everyone looks forward to.  (I know I was thrilled with my first win!)  Writing these 200 word stories is so much fun; I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  And a big, big thanks to Shell for all her hard work in maintaining the blog for us!  Congratulations to all on some fun stories!  See you next Thursday!  Pinkcookie

@midnightsun1901 - This made me flash back to my own honeymoon.  We went to Bermuda, and since it is a very small island, it was hard to get lost, but we managed to do so.  On the other hand, getting lost anywhere in Bermuda is fun...especially on your honeymoon (wink, wink).  Thanks for bringing back a happy (naughty) memory!

@SerendipitousMC - Ah, the beginning of a flirtation -- in a most contentious situation.  I wonder how they’ll get along (argue) later at the pub?

@everydaybella89 - Wow, this is a real argument between my usual loving Edward and Bella!  I didn’t know they had it in them, but you did!

@AnnaLund2011 - SECOND PLACE:  Wow, I feel like I’ve been in this car before!  Everybody must do the same song and dance when they travel because this is sooo familiar.  Wonderful job on using both prompts. 

@Aleeab4u -  Oooh la la!  I wouldn't mind getting lost if it always had an ending this hot!  I love it when a man has a plan!

@magtwi78 -  Travel can definitely give one hope for the future and restore the power of love.  When you’ve supported someone you love through a devastating illness, travel can be a wonderful curative.  

@Viridian6 - HONORABLE MENTION:  Yeah!  A journey doesn’t have to be long to be an adventure and filled with love! This was so fun, so sweet.  

@moonlit__girl - Yes!  Sometimes the gems you uncover while traveling are the very best thing about your trip.

@Shneezles - Yep!  Traveling to visit in-laws can certainly create some synergy between partners!  Been here, done this!  Too funny!  

@ChocoMG2112 - Wow!  Stuff like this never happens to me when I travel (thank goodness, I don’t like me any ghosties, spirits, or unnatural surprises). 

@GeekChic12FF - WINNER!  Truly inspired.  I gasped, I laughed...what more do you want in a flashfic?  I loved the flow of the story and the realistic dialogue.  Great job. So right on point to both prompts.

@hummingbirdff - This spoke very clearly to the quote prompt.  Sometimes a journey can take place in the soul.  Loved the part about the “fingers run over the indentations of your writing.”

@Alesoflyy - Liked this one a lot.  I love it when Edward and Bella get frisky!


Congratulations @GeekChic12FF!

Thank you to PinkCookie for judging, and to everyone who participated.

See you all next week.