My thanks to @SerendipitousMC for prompt-picking and judging this week!
Here are her answers to my judgey questions.
1. What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve been given?
It’s so important to just write, as often and as much as possible. Of course, that’s a simplification, and the devil is in the details. It’s really difficult to write when you don’t have confidence, or you’re blocked (maybe because you don’t have confidence), or you’re tired/cranky/sorely lacking in writing time. The hardest thing may be getting past all that so you can get those words down on paper. Just do it. I don’t mean to sound like a Nike commercial here...more like Yoda: “Do or not do. There is no try.”
2. The first and last books you fell in love with?
I think the first books I fell in love with were the Nancy Drew mysteries. I read all of them as a kid. The last book I fell in love with is “The Gargoyle” by Andrew Davidson. The story is unusual and beautifully crafted, and the writing is extraordinary.
3. What's happening outside the nearest window?
Birds are singing and chirping in a bush that’s at the edge of a courtyard. Boring, I know, but at least it’s not raining.
4. There's a rubber stamp mark on your hand. What does it say?
“No Expiration Date.”
5. Suppose you could travel to any place in time and history. When and where are you going?
I’d be tempted to go somewhere I could do some good, such as Amsterdam in the early 1940s so I could help Anne Frank and her family escape before they were betrayed. But I don’t know if I’d be that brave, so maybe I’d travel to Victorian England. The era and its lifestyle fascinate me. I’d try to meet Charles Dickens while I was there.
This was SO tough! I really had a hard time picking the winners. I think everyone deserves first place because they’re all so well written, and everyone used the prompt in so many great ways! The variety is fantastic.
But rules are rules, so...
The winner is @sparrownotes24:
I love how each character in this story ups the ante, until boom! you get to that great ending. The writing style is perfect for the story - short and almost clipped, yet the descriptions are just what the reader needs. The UST pops right off the screen. Every time I read through the fics, I kept coming back to this one because it packed such a punch (but in a good way).
Second place is @sandyquill:
So lovely, and so heartbreaking. I admire how this story unfolds gently but powerfully. It’s true love writ large, but subtle. The writer made great use of the prompt - it’s very effective, and at the end you realize that your fears about the couple’s situation were right.
Third place is @BoomBoom_Jones:
Beautifully bittersweet little story. There is a connection between the young woman and her elderly neighbor, and she recognized his habits for exactly what they were. Even though it’s sad, I felt hopeful at the end. Excellent writing.
I enjoyed all the fics so much I’ve written short reviews for the others who didn’t win, but should have.
@runtagua - I love how the writer combines raw sexual desire with humor. Catching someone in an awkward situation is almost always funny, as it is here. The car leaving is a nice touch. He knows she’s alone...
@moonlit__girl - Mmmm, I love the innocent teasing here. And the image of her white cotton skirt gently dragging across the ground is perfect. This is written so we learn so much about these two.
Sherbert20111 -
This feels so deceptively light - a woman drifting through the ties she was born with (her family), and the ones she created (the Silver Fox). Yet you can feel her losses, and her sorrowful attempts to soothe them by reconnecting with her family. So heartbreaking. I’m not sure where the prompt fits in, but I like it!
PinkCookie -
Funny, cute and to the point. I literally laughed at this one. It’s fun to see it all work out in the end.
@_SDRyan_ -
Beautifully written, sad, and realistic. I love this brief look at a relationship gone stale. You can feel the woman’s frustration and aloneness closing in until that final line, when she bursts free.
@moonlit__girl -
Wow. Such a great twist! I love how this starts off all sweetness and light, then takes a sharp turn into horror. The reader is as unsuspecting as the victims.
@AnnaLund2011 - All the laughs! I love how this is from the guy’s POV - it’s perfect, and it reads exactly as a guy would say it. It’s like one of the best anecdotes you’d come across in a compilation of them. That last line just killed me.
@Aleeab4u - Love these descriptions! “He clutched tightly to his coffee cup and propriety”...So perfectly said. You know this man. His struggle is brought to life.
@TwilightLadies1 - A really sweet moment between a loving couple. The writer gives us all the right ingredients for this story, so that we feel as if we know these two. They haven’t been together very long, and their passion and humor are in full play. This left me smiling.
@bkhchicka - Wow! This was a roller coaster ride. I honestly did not see that ending, and I love the surprise the writer gave us. The main character went from a sheltered, innocent girl to deranged murderess, and even though the story is short, the transition works perfectly.
@bkhchica - This is another one that made me laugh. Very funny with a very vengeful wife. I like how she thinks! Lots of great visuals, and I love how it’s all done with dialogue.
@AnnaLund2011 - Underwear as an analogy for life - perfect! I love how the writer shows us the character’s progression and increasing audacity through her choice of panties. I didn’t notice before I’d read this, but the underwear seems lined up on the clothesline in the photo so the colors and styles become increasingly bolder as it goes from left to right.
@CrackedFic - Deliciously sinister and dark, with a very satisfying ending. The character’s vernacular literally says a lot about him. I hope I can sleep tonight.
@julie_durden - Hot. I love the raw passion between these two. The man knows exactly what’s on the clothesline and what it means. No panties, no problem.
@bebeginja - Edward, you sly dog. :) This is another one that brought a smile to my face. Great idea, nicely done: pranksters stealing women’s underwear.
@megan_timms - I could easily visualize everything as it was happening in this lovely slice-of-life story. Nicely evocative. The last line is...well, it’s perfect.
@Missus_T_ - Great revenge story. The lipstick on the mirror is an excellent touch. I love the use of the prompt. And I wondered if he was wearing the underwear instead of just keeping it...
@bigblueboat - Another one I loved. (I know; I keep repeating myself!) Unexpected and sweet. I could feel the narrator gathering her courage after initially being so scared. I really like the use of doing laundry to show togetherness.
@ordinary_vamp - So descriptive! I love the playfulness between this couple. The story is written with a light touch that’s deceptive: the reader can see the depth of love and passion here.
@BoomBoom_Jones - Love this girl’s courage - she’s shy but determined. This is fun and sweet, and the whole scene is perfectly set so that we can see it all unfold.
@femme_mal - Nicely erotic - feasting on the food just as they feast on each other. I really like how this is written with a great use of the prompt.
@Alesoflyy - This one inspires curiosity: how well do they know each other? Is the flirting and teasing a big part of their relationship, or because it’s all new? I like that the story has me thinking about these questions and trying to imagine what the answers could be.
Congratulations @sparrownotes24!
Thank you so much to @SerendipitousMC for judging, and to everyone who participated.
See you all next week!